Well if it wasn't clear in previous years, 2022 is the hammer blow if you don't like change, do not be in digital marketing!

It seems most weeks this year we're getting hit with massive platform changes that impact short and long term planning & buying.

Let's wrap up the last 2 weeks!

What is a Privacy Sandbox?

So if you've been following the news on the cookie-less browser you would have heard about the failed FLoC move from Google.

FLoC was built around an idea of Cohorts. This thread has continued in their updated announcement around Topics.

Basically, rather than tracking single persons visiting websites. It will be based on a group of topics, kind of like a Nielsen Persona set.

This is getting wrapped up in a bigger project called Privacy Sandbox and it will be coming to Android phones along with Chrome.

It won't cut as deep as Apple's play on privacy, but equally Google has suggested a 2 year timeframe to actually implement. So who knows what laws will be updated globally by the time this is ready in market.

Enhanced Conversion Tracking

In the meantime for those still scared by the iOS update in May 2021, you will recall the trauma of setting up Conversions API (aka CAPI).

Google is pushing advertisers to embrace their version of this Enhanced Conversion Tracking. It doesn't provide a huge uplift right now, mainly as you have almost 100% view on conversions through Google eco-system. But as the Sandbox gets implemented these data points become more important.

About enhanced conversions - Google Ads Help
Enhanced conversions is a feature that can improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement. It supplements your existing conversion tags by sending hashed first-party conversion data from your web

Get some balance

Working in digital, you need to force yourself out of the echo chamber. Bob Hoffman is a delightful gentleman, who generally always has the polar opposite view of everybody in digital marketing. Get some nice balance and perspective here on Google's spin on the Sandbox


Social Media Benchmarks

What's a good engagement? I never know the answer to this and hate any time I have to respond 'it depends'. While not strictly advertising given the frequency of the question check out the deck below!

RivalIQ have shared a very detailed by industry breakdown of social media engagement across all platforms;

2022 Social Media Industry Benchmark Report | Rival IQ
The 2022 Social Media Industry Benchmark Report studied millions of posts and 14 industries for the ultimate guide to social media benchmarks.

Superbowl Madness

The wash up from the Superbowl Ads have been fascinating. The Coinbase fight, Ogilvy's do not use celebrities clip &  EVs clearly giving car brands something to talk about!

Interesting to see which Ads have actually been viewed online. Basically none of the ones that were discussed during the traditional ad launches!

Maybe not surprising, still frustrating that majority of ads do not adhere to digital advertising best practices.

Plea from Performance Marketers to Meta

One of the weirdest ads of the Superbowl was Meta. At the same point an entire industry of performance marketers and the SME advertisers who require the channel are calling out for some help & attention.

Dear Meta: An Open Letter From Direct Response Advertisers — Foxwell Digital
Dear Facebook, err, I mean, Meta. Wait, can I still call you Facebook? For years you helped us as advertisers build brands and agencies, but lately it feels like you don’t care at all. I understand that you think the Metaverse is great, and look, if you end up convincing folks to live primarily in

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The 4% | Edition 006