I hit my reading goal for 2022; 2 books per month.
Through testing reading times, styles and creative I built my own Reading Routine.
I'm upping the goal to read 1 book per week; 52 in 2023.
Below are my biggest learnings to create a Reading Routine;
1/ Read at the same time
- This is the 8020 tip, like any great habit set a time for reading, making it enjoyable and immovable
- For me this is multiple moments during the day depending on the category listed below
2/ Create Categories
- The majority of my reading is Business, Leadership or Spiritual; however that can vary wildly from a book on Creativity to Coaching. Creating categories of my own allowed me to see the topics that I was exploring, which opened my eyes to reading in themes below
- After testing and learning, I discovered for me reading Business or Leadership books on Kindle either late afternoon weekday + cup of green tea OR Saturday afternoon sitting on the kids trampoline outside I was most engaged;
- Spiritual best for me on the walk to work via Audiobook format
- My reading for fun is usually a Biography (Audiobook if the author is reading) or the latest Gabriel Allon (physical book) which is the perfect wind down
3/ Read in Themes
- How To Read a Book is a humbling book to read! This gave me a great insight into reading in themes; as per above reading in multiple topics, rather than jumping from 1 theme to the next. I would group all the relevant together, and could also see where I might be over-indexing on topics that I'm naturally more interested in
- A great application of this was Remote Working; some fantastic books released on the shift here, a lot of cross over when reading together; enables you to move faster through and/or deepen your knowledge at a rapid rate compared to reading a single book
4/ You don't have to finish the book!
- HUGE for me! I love a to-do list, I add things to my to-do list just to tick them off
- So the idea of not finishing a book felt criminal; until I shifted my reading patterns to reading in themes
- Many business books shouldn't be books! Often it's 1 great point that's rehashed way to many time; so now once I feel I've grasped the topic or the key points, I give myself permission to skim and/or stop (I actually did this on Dave Grohl's autobiography too, which felt even harder!)
5/ To Read List
- This can be a massive lifesaver for avid Podcast listeners; as so many podcasts are interviewing people who publish books; they suddenly feel urgent to read
- By creating your To Read List, with categories + themes; it gives you an avenue to schedule reading that book and/or simply acknowledge you won't be able to get to it
- The power of saying 'no' compounds with reading! Rather than cluttering or feeling guilt now about all the unread books
- My target of 52 books, I already have 20 in my To Read List and the year isn't even 1 month old
6/ Create a Capture system
- The best system is Kindle + Highlights then export; however as mentioned I've found enjoyment in multiple formats
- Audible's clip is "ok" and physical books; highlighting is my current mode
7/ Write a Book Review
- I only started this towards end of the year; as I re-read books for the first time!
- What made this possible was my capture system above, however still required flicking through the full book or sometimes my note didn't make sense so would re-read
- I'm now using Notion with a format for Key Themes, Key Quotes and the most important What I Will Change (action items)
With a routine in place, I've actually read 4 books in the first 2 weeks (albeit was on holidays!); I actually don't care about reading the 52 Books; it's there as a guidepost for maintaining the Habits of constant learning & growing.
I'm going to add Book Reviews as a YouTube theme to solidify this.