If you are one of the 3 million readers of Atomic Habits, you may recognise the goal systems that I'm using for 2022.
In that my goals are not purely outcomes, instead a focus on the systems to be the person I want to become.
The biggest hack from Atomic Habits for me is the idea to reframe goals from outcome to identity.
For example I'd like to increase the KMs I ran last year, the outcome I had last year was to not get fat during lockdown, which merged into complete a half marathon.
Instead for 2022, my goal is to be a Runner. In fact as I reflected on 2021, running was the best outlet for reflection and creativity, I find that 10km is the sweet spot of exertion and inspiration. Beyond this point boredom and injury kicks in!
The other hacks of Atomic Habits is Habit Stacking. This is something I had been using over 2021, but refining these and working more on the locations I do these stacks.
The 8020 for my habits is a good night sleep, challenging with a 5yo who won't stay in his bed at night.
The reason being that my morning routine is by far the most treasured start of my day, it's when I have the most control.
Here's my Habit Stacking morning routine for weekdays to commence 2022 (Oliver is starting school, so I'm assuming post Term 1, will take some re-calibration)
- After my alarm, I stretch on the lounge rug [the night prior I put out clothes, headphones and Garmin watch]
- After I stretch, I read and reflect on today's BiOY in arm chair [everything on side table]
- After BiOY, I put on my running shoes & Garmin, then get kids breakfast organised and organise filter coffee. [the night prior I take out bowls/spoons and beans]
> On Mondays/Wednesdays (&Saturdays) I run. On Tuesdays/Thursdays a bodyweight routine.
- After I exercise, Tuesdays/Thursdays I do kids drop off, pouring coffee when I get home. On Mondays/Wednesday/Friday, I pour coffee and then I write/edit content for 1 hour.
- After I finish my coffee, I clear Inboxes
- After I clear Inboxes I reply or send WhatsApp messages and/or watch a YouTube, check sports news
Basically if I cannot wake up at 6.15am then something has to be sacrificed or attempted later in the day. However, I have definitely learned the truth of not being in control of your day to complete high priorities.
They also are in contradiction to the Identity I'm aiming to achieve, as opened with that habit stacking is designed to help me become:
- A Leader [I'm private by nature, but feel called to share more about my journey and insights. If I'm not fuelled through a silence & solitude routine, I know I'm not in a sharing mood!]
- A Runner [As above which also helps unlock problems and find new inspiration]
- A Loving Dad [Be there at key moments, create a culture that my kids feel they come first before other competing priorities]
- An Attentive Husband [Those few hours post kids going to sleep is all you get with a young family, if I'm spending them catching up on all my personal goals. I'll miss the one person I treasure the most]
- A Reliable Friend [I sucked at this over last 2 years. Work & Family took my full attention. Building a simple message/reply daily task - plus also have a monthly hang out goal for each group]
For tracking purposes then, my goals for 2022:
- Finish BiOY with 90% completion rate
- Run 700km
- 4 x Trips Away (Family Trip in Jan, Bright at Easter, July?, Oct/Nov in QLD)
- 4 x 1:1 Hangs with each kid
- 12 Date Nights with Amanda
- 12 Friend Dinners